On Parables

photo by Elena Katkova

photo by Elena Katkova

in sign language the difference
between hungry and horny
is only a matter of how vigorously
an upturned hand traces a breastbone,
grasping some invisible need, signaling
a desire to never die from a lack
of food or love. so I watch your face
to hear all your still hands and lips
won’t say, your surface breaking
the silence. the dimpled cheeks
and chin. the crescent moons
and wrinkles hedging your nose.
the tuck and folds of creased corners.
the turned head, concealing the curve
of lids, the dilatation of desire.

Matthew E. Henry

Matthew E. Henry (MEH) is the author of the poetry chapbooks Teaching While Black (Main Street Rag, 2020) and Dust & Ashes (Californios Press, 2020), and his full-length collection, the Colored page, is forthcoming from Sundress Publications. The editor-in-chief of The Weight Journal, MEH’s recent poetry and prose is appearing or forthcoming in Bending Genres, Lucky Jefferson, Massachusetts Review, New York Quarterly, Ploughshares, Poetry East, Porcupine Literary, and Shenandoah. MEH is an educator who received his MFA, yet continued to spend money he didn’t have completing an MA in theology and a PhD in education. You can find him at www.MEHPoeting.com writing about education, race, religion, and burning oppressive systems to the ground.


I Found a Mandarin in My Bed

