photo by B. Ekaterina

photo by B. Ekaterina

You sit perfectly 
still with your spine 
bowed open, each section 
of vertebral bone exposed, 
aligned with the tissue 
between the sections, a clean 
site. They drive this needle, 
long as your grandmother’s 
crochet hook, the one your mother 
used to button up your wedding 
gown, the one you found 
in the attic, in a memory, 
drive it into the ligament 
shelf, the space between—
tell you to stay still despite 
the clenching inside, the divide, 
stay still so they can push it 
deep enough to take it, 
that is, the pain, that is 
the feeling in the legs, 
and then with it, this 
egg you’ve been carrying 
like a prayer. You won’t 
feel a thing but a pinch, 
then a burn, a sudden give, 
a loss, the blind end—relief. 
It’s ok to give away 
that pain. Give it 

Sara Moore Wagner

Sara Moore Wagner is the recipient of a 2019 Sustainable Arts Foundation award, and the author of the chapbooks Tumbling After (forthcoming from Red Bird Chapbooks, 2022) and Hooked Through (2017). Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in many journals including Beloit Poetry Journal, Rhino, Sixth Finch, Waxwing, The Cincinnati Review, and Nimrod, among others. She has been nominated multiple times for the Pushcart prize and Best of the Net. Find her at


The Taste and Shape of Survival


Sleep Training